Tilted Brush Stroke

Following are the 3 stages of a witness's examination


The examination by the party who calls a witness is referred to as a direct examination. The testimony is...learn more

Object of Examination in-chief

The objective of cross-examination-in-chief is to elicit the facts and to prove pertinent facts in favour of the party who called the witnesses....learn more


The adverse party's cross-examination of a witness is known as cross-examination. A party's opponent has the right to cross-examine his...learn more

The objective of cross-examination is to determine whether the witness’s statements are true. It's an attempt to dissect a witness or...learn more

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Object of the Cross-examination



Cross-main examination's purpose was to examine the accuracy, authenticity, and value of the...learn more


Re-examination is the examination of a testimony when he has been cross-examined by the defendant who called him. If the party who....

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The Object of Re-examination

Re- examination's purpose is to ask any questions which may be required if the opposing party has the right to cross-examine the testimony at that...learn more

Order of Examination

Sec. 138 of the (I.E.A) Indian Evidence Act governs the order of examination, wherein the witness is examined in chief, then....learn more

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Direction of Re-examination

The purpose of re-examination is to clarify matters raised in cross-examination, and if a new issue is raised in re-examination with the court's...

When it's not appropriate to ask leading questions (section142)

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Leading questions may be asked during cross-examination, As per Sec.143 of I.E.A,1872....

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When are leading questions acceptable?


In addition to the questions listed above, testimony may be asked those questions that tend to test his veracity during -learn more

Questions lawful in Cross-examination (section-146)

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