Where is the FIR lodged and what is the purpose?

Normally the crime committed is reported to the police station concerned, but.... read more

In a case of Punati Ramubey vs. A.p.-1993

The police constable refused to file the complaint on the ground that the said.... learn more

The object of FIR

The purpose of the FIR is to complain of any offence/crime to a police officer so that criminal law could be implemented. Where oral.... learn more

Evidentiary value of FIR

It is settled law that F.I.R is not substantive evidence. It is not the evidence. It is not the evidence of the facts that it mentions.... learn more

Information in cognizable offence

According to sec. 154(1) of cr.p.c. All information relating to the commission of a cognizable offense is given to the officer-in-charge of.... learn more

Copy/replicate of the information

As recorded shall be given forthwith free of cost to the informant.... learn more

Refusal to record the information

If any officer-in-charge of a police station refuses to record the complaint, the informer may forward such information to.... learn more

In the case of Gurpreet Singh vs. State of Punjab, 2006

Information in Non-cognizable offence

According to section 155(1) any information relating to the commission of a non-cognizable offence is given to the officer-in-charge of.... learn more

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