Human Rights Meaning

Human rights have been presumed very significant as these are considered requisite for the existence of human beings. International Community has become aware of...learn more

According to Vienna Declaration 1993

All human rights derive from the dignity and worth inherent in the human person, and that the person is the central subject of...learn more

According to Susan Moller Okin

"Human Rights as a claim to something of crucial importance for human life...learn more

According to Sec 2 (D) of the Protection of Human Rights Act 1993

Human rights means the rights relating to life, liberty, equality, and dignity of individual guaranteed by the Indian constitution or embodied (to include or...learn more

According to Section 2 (D) of Human Rights Act 1993

It gives a very narrow definition of human rights and does not include all fundamental rights guaranteed by the Indian Constitution or embodied/expressed in International Covenants On Human Rights....learn more

According to Section 2 (D) of Human Rights Act 1993

It gives a very narrow definition of human rights and does not include all fundamental rights guaranteed by the Indian Constitution or embodied/expressed in International Covenants On Human Rights....learn more

Basic feature of the Human Rights

1. Natural Rights: Human rights are not created by any legislature they assume the position of natural rights in human life. 2. Inherent in the Nature of all Individuals:- Human rights, being birth are....learn more

Kinds of Human Rights (Law)

According to Lord b. Sohn, human rights may be divided into the following three kinds Kinds of human rights:- according to Louis b. Sohn, human rights may be divided into the following 3 kinds...learn more

Now the question is “Is slavery a Violation of Rights"?

Let's discuss Slavery, forced labor, human trafficking, and forced labor are infringements on human rights because these acts strip human beings of their inherent rights. In fact...learn more

Human rights (Law) (H.R) 13 most relevant to trafficking are

1. Right to life. 2. Right to social security. 3. Right to liberty and security. 4. Right to freedom of movement. 5. Right to freedom of association. 6. Right of children to special protection...learn more

Is human rights a Legal Right?

A legal right is a right that is recognized and protected by the legal system, legal rights have two important essential elements i.e...learn more