We’re all humans at the end of the day. Before assigning labels to each other based on our religious beliefs or the individuals we choose to love.
In India, same-sex relationships/marriage is discouraged. Many countries have strict laws against it, yet their citizens are open-minded.
Those who oppose legalizing gay sex argue that it goes against society’s moral standards. However, proponents argue that what is forbidden in religions should not be outlawed in legislation.
The Naz Foundation vs. the Government of the National Capital Territory of Delhi (2009) Case of Suresh Kumar Koushal ,2013 Justice K.S. Puttaswamy vs. U.O.I, 2017 Navtej Singh Johar vs. U.O.I, 2018
It should go without saying that there are numerous possibilities to be a human being. We must appreciate and encourage these distinctions rather than.....learn more
Nothing is illegal as long as it does not cause harm to anyone, including oneself. The same is the case with homosexuality. What’s wrong with....learn more