Understanding Quasi-Judicial Bodies in Modern Legal System

quasi-judicial bodies

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Introduction of Understanding Quasi-Judicial Bodies in Modern Legal System: Justice embodies the principle of acting in a just, impartial, and fair manner, guided by established laws. In contemporary societies, the dispensation of justice primarily falls within the purview of judicial institutions.

According to Salmond, laws are the bodies of rules recognized and adhered to by tribunals in the administration of justice. Similarly, Roscoe Pound defines laws as rules upheld by public authorities.

Institutions and their Functions

Quasi-judicial bodies are entities vested with powers akin to those of traditional courts, although their functions are not purely judicial. These bodies, while not part of the formal judiciary, exercise adjudicatory powers in specific areas, interpreting and applying laws within their jurisdiction.

Characteristics of Quasi-Judicial Bodies

Quasi-judicial bodies operate within a defined legal framework, adhering to procedural rules and evidentiary standards akin to courts. They make decisions that affect the rights and interests of individuals or entities, often through processes resembling judicial hearings.

Various regulatory agencies, administrative tribunals, and professional licensing boards exemplify quasi-judicial bodies. They play crucial roles in overseeing specific sectors, resolving disputes, and ensuring compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

The Indian Constitution is rooted in the principle of natural justice, which is prominently articulated in Articles 14, 19, and 21. The Indian Supreme Court plays a pivotal role in upholding and advancing the importance of this principle within the Indian legal framework.

The Position of the Indian Supreme Court
In the case of A.K. Gopalan v. State of Madras, the court takes a firm stance, asserting that any procedure prescribed by statute falls within the purview of “procedure established by law,” as delineated in Article 21 of the Constitution.

Interpretation of Article 21
According to the court’s interpretation, such statutory procedures may supersede considerations of rationality, natural justice, or due process. This ruling underscores the court’s position regarding the hierarchy of legal procedures outlined in statutes.

Quasi-judicial bodies, non-judicial entities empowered to interpret laws, encompass governmental administrative agencies and organizations governed by private law, such as arbitration panels or tribunal boards.

A quasi-judicial body possesses judicial authority but exercises it partially, performing functions akin to a court, such as adjudication and decision-making, while not being strictly bound by judicial procedures.

Functions and Authority

These entities, whether governmental or private, have the capacity to interpret laws and make decisions that impact individuals or entities. While they operate with some judicial authority, they may not be subject to all the procedural requirements of traditional courts.

Role of Quasi-Judicial Bodies

Quasi-judicial bodies, non-judicial organizations vested with the authority to interpret laws, encompass a diverse range of entities. These could include public administrative agencies as well as private law entities like arbitration panels or tribunal boards. Their mandate involves the objective determination of facts and subsequent decision-making, akin to traditional courts.

Nature and Authority

Entities designated as quasi-judicial bodies wield authority comparable to courts of law, empowered to make decisions based on legal interpretations and factual assessments. Operating with procedures akin to courts, they play a crucial role in ensuring fairness and objectivity in their determinations.

Purpose and Function

Quasi-judicial bodies serve to address specific concerns within their domain of expertise, thereby alleviating the burden on traditional courts. By objectively assessing facts and applying relevant laws, they contribute to the efficient administration of justice while maintaining the integrity of legal processes.

Role in Decision-Making

Quasi-judicial bodies are tasked with determining penalties for those found guilty, albeit within the confines of existing laws. Their authority is limited to interpreting and applying established legal frameworks rather than creating new penalties.

Importance of Immunity

To safeguard their ability to perform their duties without hindrance, quasi-judicial bodies require immunity under tort law. This protection is essential to prevent external interference that could impede their effectiveness in carrying out their responsibilities.

Significant Quasi-Judicial Organizations

Prominent quasi-judicial bodies such as the National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, the Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG), and the National Green Tribunal hold significant importance in handling diverse legal and regulatory issues, ensuring fairness and adherence to regulations within their specific spheres.

Evolution of Administrative Tribunals in India

Emergence of Administrative Tribunals

The 20th century witnessed a significant proliferation of administrative tribunals across both industrialized and developing nations. In India, this trend manifested through the establishment of numerous tribunals at both federal and state levels, covering diverse sectors such as trade, industry, banking, taxation, and more.

Government Deliberations and Establishment

The Indian government deliberated extensively on the necessity of creating administrative tribunals to expedite and streamline the resolution of disputes concerning government employees, particularly related to recruitment and employment terms.

Recognition of Reasoned Orders

In a notable shift, the acknowledgment of reasoned orders as a component of natural justice in India occurred relatively recently. The case of Siemens Engg. & Mfg. Co. of India Ltd. v. Union of India marked a pivotal moment when the Supreme Court mandated quasi-judicial bodies to provide justifications for their orders, thereby establishing it as a fundamental principle of natural justice.
Characteristics of Quasi-Judicial Bodies

Arbitration of Disputes

Quasi-judicial bodies serve as arbitrators in resolving disputes and determining appropriate sanctions. These entities offer an alternative route to justice, bypassing the complexities of the legal system. Disputes may range from financial matters to compliance with regulations, allowing parties to seek resolution outside traditional judicial channels. For example, tribunals function as quasi-judicial entities facilitating the resolution of disputes between parties, often at the state level.

Limited Adjudicative Function

Quasi-judicial bodies typically possess jurisdiction confined to specific areas of expertise, such as financial markets, labor laws, public regulations, immigration, or regulatory matters.

Adherence to Predetermined Rules of Justice

Decisions and judgments rendered by quasi-judicial organizations often rely on pre-established rules or guidelines, with penalties determined based on the nature and severity of the offense committed.

Appeal to Higher Courts

While the punishments imposed by quasi-judicial bodies may hold legal enforceability under national laws, individuals retain the right to challenge these decisions in a court of law, which serves as the ultimate authority for appeals.

Enhancing the Effectiveness of Quasi-Judicial Entities

Government Commitment

The government must explicitly prioritize the effective functioning of these agencies, clearly stating its stance on the matter.

Emphasis on Information Gathering

Comprehensive data on the operational performance of these agencies should be gathered and released at least once annually.

Procedural Enhancements

Quasi-judicial bodies should adopt procedural reforms recommended by entities like the Law Commission, such as minimizing adjournments, mandating the submission of written arguments, and other similar measures.

Digitalization of Court Records

Establishing an electronic platform for the digitalization of court records is essential to streamline ancillary activities associated with the administration of justice, including complaint filing, summons issuance, case record management, and dissemination of judgments.

Research on Operational Dynamics

Encouraging interdisciplinary research on the functioning of these bodies can help identify areas requiring improvement, leading to necessary legal amendments or the formulation of clear procedural rules.

Periodic Training and Orientation

Regular training and orientation sessions should be provided to adjudicating authorities to ensure their continued competence and alignment with evolving legal standards.


In conclusion, the application of the natural justice concept isn’t confined to specific boundaries; instead, it relies on factors such as jurisdiction characteristics, administrative body powers, and the nature of individual rights being infringed upon.

Hence, if any authority is granted at any stage of the process, the judicial role isn’t solely acknowledged; rather, the primary aim is to prevent miscarriages of justice. It’s imperative to note that adherence to the principles of natural justice is crucial for any administrative settlement to be deemed valid. Any judgment or order that contravenes these principles will be considered null and void.


What are quasi-judicial bodies, and how do they differ from traditional courts?

Quasi-judicial bodies are entities empowered with adjudicatory functions similar to courts but are not part of the formal judiciary. While they interpret and apply laws within their jurisdiction, they operate outside traditional court systems. Unlike courts, they may not follow all procedural rules and evidentiary standards strictly.

What is the significance of quasi-judicial bodies in modern legal systems?

Quasi-judicial bodies play a crucial role in addressing specific legal and regulatory matters within their expertise. They alleviate the burden on traditional courts by providing alternative dispute resolution mechanisms and ensuring compliance with laws and regulations in various sectors.

How do quasi-judicial bodies contribute to the administration of justice?

Quasi-judicial bodies help expedite the resolution of disputes within their jurisdiction, promoting efficiency in the legal system. By objectively interpreting laws and making decisions, they ensure fairness and objectivity while complementing the functions of traditional courts.

Can decisions made by quasi-judicial bodies be challenged?

Yes, individuals or entities affected by decisions of quasi-judicial bodies typically have the right to appeal to higher courts. While quasi-judicial decisions may hold legal enforceability under national laws, the right to challenge these decisions in court ensures accountability and safeguards against potential injustices.

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